Saturday 11 October 2014

Preparing the land

The Corlans Estate started in September 2009 by clearing of unwanted vegetation, such as heavy undergrowth, and what was estimated to be unwanted trees.
The methodology was simple; clear and prepare the land in the dry season, normally January to the end of May, and plant from June to November, so that the plants can produce new roots before the next dry season.

     Primary methods of preparation are brush cutting and burning

  Burning of unwanted logs in preparation for the new crops.

Thursday 2 October 2014

About the location

CORLAN ECO ESTATE (Let’s talk about COCOA and cocoa products)
The Corlans Eco Estate is located in the village of Coryal which is located in the foothills of the Tamana Mountains in the ward of Tamana Trinidad. This area is part of the Caroni river basin and is on the outskirts of the Caroni Arena water reserve.

A misty morning at Corlans Eco Rstate


Image drawn from Google maps