Saturday 6 December 2014

The environment

The physical environment is a mix of lush green tropical rainforest and the associated wildlife, abandoned cocoa estates, and some estates under subsistence cultivation. The Tamana caves are located a short twenty minutes drive away from the Corlans Eco Estate Coryal.

Young plantain and cocoa plants with forest back-drop showing wild orchids.


  1. The pictures suggest to me that the locations sees its fair share of birds. Am i right to assume this?

    1. Yes there is a wide variety, Silver Beaks, Blue Jays. Crested Oropendola or (Yellow Tails), Hawks, Humming birds, Cocoa Woodcreeper, Smooth-billed Ani, Yellow Oriole, Saffron Finch, Parrots, as well as the common ground doves.
